
Apply weed-n-feed – up to 1/8 acre

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Apply weed-n-feed – up to 1/4 acre

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Apply weed-n-feed – up to 1/2 acre

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Apply weed-n-feed – up to 1 acre

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Spread weed-n-feed up to one acre.
Your Responsibility:
– Supply all weed-n-feed.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Fertilize 1-8 shrubs

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Fertilize 9-16 shrubs

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Fertilize 17-24 shrubs

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Apply fertilizer to shrubs.
Your Responsibility:
– Supply fertilizer to feed up to 24 shrubs.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Fertilize 1-4 plants/trees

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Fertilize 5-7 plants/trees

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Fertilize 8-10 plants/trees

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Apply fertilizer to plants/trees.
Your Responsibility:
– Supply fertilizer to feed up to 10 trees.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Plant up to 12 small flowers or Bulbs

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Plant from 13-24 small flowers or Bulbs

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Prepare planting area.
– Plant 1″ to 8″ potted flowers.
Your Responsibility:
– Supply plants.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Mulch area up to 100 sq. ft.

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Mulch area from 101-200 sq. ft.

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Mulch area from 201-400 sq. ft.

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Weed and mulch designated area from 201-400 sq. ft. x 1 1/2″.
Your Responsibility:
– Supply mulch.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Clean porch/patio

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Patio size up to 200 sq. ft.
– Remove and replace all items.
– Remove all cobwebs and wipe down accessible surfaces.
– Sweep and/or blow off porch floor.
– Shake out rugs and mats.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.
*NOTE: Clean patio size up to 200 sq. ft.

Remove poison oak/ivy/sumac up to 100 sq. ft.

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Remove poison oak/ivy/sumac up to 101-200 sq. ft.

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Remove poison oak/ivy/sumac up to 201-400 sq. ft.

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Pull poison oak/ivy/sumac and roots.
– Remove and bag all poison oak/ivy/sumac.
– Place bag in designated area on customer’s property.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.
– Provide bags.

Seed lawn up to 1/8 acre

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Seed lawn up to 1/4 acre

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Seed lawn up to 1/2 acre

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Provide seeder.
– Seed lawn.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide seed.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Trim shrubs/hedges up to 100’x5′ – without disposal

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Trim shrubs/hedges from 101′-200’x5′ – without disposal

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Trim shrubs/hedges from 201′-300’x5′ – without disposal

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Provide all tools and equipment.
– Trim shrubs or hedges up to 5′ high.
– Place trimmings in designated area on customer’s property.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Trim shrubs/hedges up to 100’x5′ – disposal

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Trim shrubs/hedges from 101′-200’x5′ – disposal

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Trim shrubs/hedges from 201′-300’x5′ – disposal

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Provide all tools and equipment.
– Trim shrubs or hedges up to 5′ high.
– Haul off and legally dispose of the clippings.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.
*NOTES:- Not to exceed 1 pickup load.

Plant 1 one gallon shrub

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Plant 2 one gallon shrubs

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Plant 3 one gallon shrubs

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Plant 1 one gallon shrub(s).
Your Responsibility:
– Supply all plants and fertilizer.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Remove vines up to 100 sq. ft. – without disposal

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Remove vines up to 200 sq. ft. – without disposal

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Remove vines up to 300 sq. ft. – without disposal

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Remove vines up to 400 sq. ft. – without disposal

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Remove vines from trees, house, or fence up to 8 ft high.
– Clean up area.
– Place vines in designated area on customer’s property.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide a clear and animal-free area to perform the chore.

Water up to 30 outside plants

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We’ll bring the tools if needed:
– Water up to 30 outside plants.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide water source.
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.

Weed up to 100 sq. ft.

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Weed up to 101-201 sq. ft.

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Weed up to 201-400 sq. ft.

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We’ll bring the tools:
– Pull weeds and roots in up to 400 sq. ft. area.
– Remove and bag all weeds.
– Place bags in designated area on customer’s property.
Your Responsibility:
– Provide clear and animal-free area to perform chore.
– Provide bags.

    Your Estimate
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